If you are using Scrble Lite, you must follow these instructions to uninstall without losing your notes. You should also use these instructions if you use Scrble Ink, but did not select a storage location. In other words, if your save location is the Local App Folder (default location).

The video below shows the steps for Scrble Lite, but you can follow similar steps in Scrble Ink.


Alternative method:

  1. Find your notes in a location that looks something like this:
    Scrble Ink: C:Users\AppDataLocalPackages10511ClaudiaWey.inknotespro_9n0kwq747cbjyLocalStateScribble

    Scrble Lite: C:Users\AppDataLocalPackages10511ClaudiaWey.ScrbleLite_9n0kwq747cbjyLocalStateScribble
  2. Copy the Scribble folder anywhere safe (your Desktop or Document folder)
  3. Uninstall the app, then reinstall it.
  4. To restore your notes, you can either point the Scrble save location to the new location (select the folder containing Scribble) or copy back Scribble content into the AppData location:
    Scrble Ink: C:Users\AppDataLocalPackages10511ClaudiaWey.inknotespro_9n0kwq747cbjyLocalStateScribble
    Scrble Lite: C:Users\AppDataLocalPackages10511ClaudiaWey.ScrbleLite_9n0kwq747cbjyLocalStateScribble